Benefits Of Travelling

Travelling, getting away, exploring are all top priorities in my life. Why you may wonder do I consider these a vital part? Travelling comes with so many benefits.


So many positive and wonderful things can come from travelling. This includes;

  • giving you a new perspective on life - it is easier to put yourself in other people’s shoes when you see first hand. Your problems may appear small compared to others that you witness around the world

  • time out from your current situation - it takes the emphasis off your little world, offers distraction and an opportunity to leave behind any worries or troubles at home i.e. an escape

  • increased confidence - travelling helps you to become more understanding, more knowledgeable, more confident as you navigate unknown places, languages and push yourself out of your comfort zone. This is especially true for travelling solo when you only have yourself to rely on. How proud you feel when you are able to call all the shots yourself

  • new friendships, new relationships - once you get talking to others you will find there is so much to talk about

  • travelling feeds your soul like the quote by Jaime Lyn Beatty: ‘Jobs fill your pocket. Adventures fill your soul’. I usually come back from travelling very content and happy

  • travelling makes you a storyteller. You are bound to come back with many stories of your adventures or the best stories are usually the misadventures, when things didn’t go the way you imagined or to plan. It gives you something to talk about like the quote by Ibn Battuta ‘Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller’

  • you gain world knowledge - you learn on the job through conversations, observations, visiting museums, theaters, mingling with the locals ; I couldn’t name the 54 countries in Africa before I went there but now I can

  • able to experience new and unique moments such as visiting the top of the world in North Cape, Norway, stalking the Loch Ness monster, walking the Great Wall of China,

What do you make your top priorities and what benefits do they bring to your life? For me it is travel but I know that is not for everyone. We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.