Look Both Ways Before Crossing The Road In Vietnam

The traffic in Vietnam is pretty hectic to say the least. Tuk tuks, bicycles, cars, trucks, taxis, pedestrians everywhere, weaving and and out of each other.

vietnam traffic

The first day my friends and I arrived, we stood on the edge of the road for a few minutes reassuring and psyching ourselves up to cross amongst the traffic, when we finally decided it was right to cross with no one coming, a bike rider appears from nowhere and ran straight into my friend. Thankfully nobody was hurt or damage was caused, however we found it awfully funny that it happened after waiting, watching and checking, being very vigilant.

Thankfully we managed to survive the next two weeks without injury. Crossing the road almost became fun as the adrenaline kicked in.

What is something that has gone wrong for you despite being well planned or thought out? Has anything taken you by surprise while travelling? Feel free to add to the conversation below.