Places That Are So Good You Have To Say It Twice

Have you ever been to a town within Australia or overseas that has a repeated name?

We joke when we say ‘it is so good, you have to say it twice’.

Usually, the name is derived from the Aboriginal language and is their way of pronouncing a plural or ‘lots of’.

It could mean lots of water, streams, crows, anything really.

Have you been to;

  • Wagga Wagga in NSW which is not far from Gumly Gumly with Walla Walla to the south and Beggan Beggan to the north

  • You will also find Woy Woy in NSW - means big lagoon

  • Goonoo Goonoo is in country NSW - meaning plenty of water

  • Tilba Tilba is in south NSW - meaning many waters

  • Curl Curl is by the coast in North Sydney - meaning river of life

  • You will find Yeo Yeo on the Burley Griffin Way in south NSW

  • Wangi Wangi is not far from Newcastle, NSW - meaning many night owls

  • On the border of NSW and South Australia, you have Gol Gol - means meeting place - so close to beautiful Mildura and a great spot for an afternoon walk by the Murry River. I took a day tour out to Mungo National Park to see the cool rock formations from Gol GOl

  • You will find Bil Bil and Kin Kin in Queensland - Kin Kin meaning plenty of black ants

  • Drik Drik, Lang Lang, Mitta Mitta are in Victoria - Lang Lang means clump of trees

  • Ever visited the Bungle Bungle range in Western Australia?


Overseas you can find;

  • Tan Tan in Morocco

  • Pukapuka in the Cook Islands

  • Sanga Sanga and Pangpang in the Phillipines

  • Sipe Sipe in Bolivia

  • Torres Torres in Spain

  • Hum Hum in Bangladesh

  • Kila Kila in Papua New Guinea

  • Gan Gan in Argentina

  • Musmus in Israel

  • Ngorongoro in Tanzania

Do you know of other towns that duplicate the name twice? We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.