Find Pyramids, Not Just In Egypt

If someone mentioned The Pyramids to you, I am guessing you would immediately think of Egypt.

You would be correct, however, did you know that there are pyramids in other places of the world?

You have;

  • of course the big three in Cairo, Egypt

  • Tikal in Guatemala

  • Chichen Itza in Mexico

  • Machu Pichu, Peru

  • Teotihuacan pyramids in Mexico. You will find the Pyramid Of The Moon and the Pyramid Of The Sun as well as the Temple Of The Feathered Serpent

  • Walsh’s Pyramid in Wooroonooran National Park, just south of Cairns in Australia. This pyramid is classed as the highest frees standing natural pyramid in the world at 922 m high. You can climb it if you are keen, it will only take three hours to get to the top for the more experienced hikers. There is also the Great Pyramid Race helf their every year

Have you visited any of the pyramids? We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.