Laura The Explaura

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Not Sure You Are Made For Travelling Solo, Think Again

Don't think you could travel solo? If I can, a timid introvert, then of course you can!

Why wait for someone else to go with you? Why travel on someone else’s terms. You can do it.

You don't have to be any stronger or braver than the average person. A bit of self efficacy helps and a passion to want to do it. A belief that you can…. And then savings to book it in.

My top tips for solo travel

  • It helps if you know some basics about travel, so you don’t get yourself completely lost or in trouble.

  • Don't worry about feeling lonely. You can create a sense of community wherever you go.
    You adapt to the situation you are in at the time. We were born to change. People are friendly by nature plus you will find many solo travellers out there in the same position.

  • Start small. If travelling by yourself is too daunting, start with just a night away, or a weekend away. Or go away with friends and then stay abit longer than others so you are familiar with the place and it’s not so intimidating.

  • Make sure to take your safety into consideration. Listen to your gut instinct. If something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t.

The best bits about travelling solo

  • You will go through a process of self-discovery. You will appreciate having time to learn about yourself and have a new sense of self-awareness of what makes you you.

  • You will become more independent. You will realise that you are capable of things you were not aware of.

  • You are in charge. You decide where you want to eat. You decide where you want to go. You can do things in your own time. You don’t have to compromise. You don’t have to sacrifice. You can sleep in if you want or can get up early for sunrise without having to worry about waking anyone.

  • You will discover a new pride in yourself. You will be proud of what you can achieve on your own and on your own terms. That’s a big one. You can often catch me walking around with a big smile on my face, feeling so damn proud of myself that I am doing what I want on my own.  

  • You discover that it is possible to create a fun-filled life yourself. You don’t need to rely or depend on others. You can create your own fun.

  • You can stay in a hostel, saving a tonne of money. Stay in a shared room and easily make some new friends.

  • It forces you out of your comfort zone. There will be times when you will need to ask for directions, or which platform you should be on. You will have to do things you may not have done before or always expected other people to do for you.

  • You learn to love yourself by spending time with yourself, so then you are more open to loving others.

  • Travelling solo gives you a great opportunity to connect to others. You are more open to chatting with others around and creating conversation. It will be a great experience.

I am fortunate to have travelled with close friends, my family. I’ve taken tour’s and travelled by myself many times. Travelling with friends or family can often mean you are just willing to please and can sacrifice your own happiness for the sake of others. Tour groups can be a bit hit and miss. But travelling solo is always a great adventure. You won’t regret it.  

Have you braved travelling solo or is it something you are yet to give a go? We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.

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