Traveller Profile - Samantha

This month I would like to introduce you to our featured traveller; Samantha. A Kiwi travelling girl.

Hey guys! I'm Samantha, an avid traveler from Auckland, New Zealand. I've visited 22 countries, with my last trip being to Greece last year. I had so much more travel planned for this year, but unfortunately COVID-19 put a halt to all of my plans, so right now I'm planning some trips around New Zealand when it gets a little warmer and to Australia when our borders open. You can find me on Instagram @omgsamantha and on my website


1. Why do you travel?

To me, travel is just a way of life. My father moved to Hong Kong when I was 3 and I've visited there over 40 times. My Dad used to bring home books and show me photos and tell stories of places he'd love to travel to. I think that's what made me curious about the world and the different countries, people, cultures and landmarks in it. It's also the ultimate freedom to be able to get on a plane and go to the other side of the globe. I've travelled more than anyone else in my family and I know so many people don't have the luxury to do so, so it makes me want to see and do more when friends, family or my followers tell me of places they'd like for me to visit.

2. Tell us your favourite: a place to visit, mode of transport and source to get travel info.

Place to visit: USA or Australia. I think they're the two of the most diverse countries in the world, with amazing landscapes, nature, city life, deserts, beaches, night life, mountains, theme parks and so much more. There's something for everyone!

Mode of transport: Walking and by car cause I like having the freedom to stop whenever I want.

Source of info: Instagram, Pinterest, blogs and word of mouth.

3. What is your favourite travel memory?

Travelling to the Maldives with my Dad a few years ago. He's an avid scuba diver and it was on his bucket list to stay on the Four Seasons Explorer. We did that in 2018 and logged over ten dives each in the week we were there. It was also the first time my Dad and I really bonded so it'll always be special for me.

4. What's the most important thing you've learned while travelling?

People are nicer than you think.

5. Who would you love to sit next to on your next flight?

Preferably no one cause I like having the extra space when I'm flying, but Sasha Banks.

6. What's your best money-saving tip to travel?

I don't drink, so I save a lot of money from that, but I also very rarely go out to eat.

7. How do you deal with the post-holiday blues?

Book another holiday or at least start planning one

8. What's one thing you like to do in every place you visit?

Visit McDonalds. I love seeing the different items on the menu and how out there they can be, like in Singapore I tried a Durian McFlurry. But I also have to try local cuisine!

9. Travelling can leave a big environmental footprint, how do you minimise yours?

It's difficult when you live at the bottom of the world and want to travel because flying is really the only option but I've been offsetting my flights for a couple of years now, I try to avoid plastic when I can and always use reusable bags, I cut my meat intake down about ten years ago and I try to have conversations with friends and family about these issues too.

10. Plan an around the world trip for us, stopping in one city only on each continent.

Starting in Auckland, New Zealand, take a flight to Nairobi for a night or two at Giraffe Manor, fly to Rome to take in the history and see one of the wonders of the world, head to New York to experience one of the best cities in the world. From there, go to Rio De Janeiro and finally, Tokyo for the craziness.

Sam Colosseum

Thanks Samantha for your profile. I love that you get to travel with your dad. It is truly special. I have great memories of the times I have been away with my dad; travelling as an adult, sharing my passion of travel with him.

Each month an enthusiastic traveller will share with us their personal stories from their adventures around the world. If you would like to be featured in the upcoming months, then please drop us a note below…

To read past traveller profiles; click here.