Using Hashtags - Are They Still A Thing?

I recently posted a photo on my Laura The Explaura Instagram page. It has been a good while since I have, despite every good intention too. So with a quick bid to get it done and another thing ticked off my list before the school holidays are over, I quickly uploaded two photos from my last two trips without too much deliberation.

Back in the day, I would have spent ten minutes adding hashtags to the post and it got me thinking are they even still a thing?

Well without any research or much time dedicated to the process, I added hashtags to my posts from the top of my head. The simple answer is; they did work, in the way that I attracted people who haven’t seen my posts before and I even scored a few new followers from doing so.

Hashtags are great for more exposure to your page. Making sure that the ones you use are relevant to your audience. You don’t have to go overboard. Ten tags are probably enough.

I did some research and pulled some popular travel hashtags to share for those of you still out there travelling and making us jealous with your pics.











































#prettylittle trips









If you tag these pages using these hashtags, you have a chance that they will feature your photos for even greater exposure;







Do you still carefully consider the hashtags on your posts? Or do you find them unnecessary? We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.