
lady taking a breath coming out of the water

We breathe every moment, often unconsciously. But have you ever been told you are breathing incorrectly?

It wasn’t until I started my yoga practice many years ago that it was pointed out to me that I take very shallow breaths. Meaning I am not using my whole body to breathe. It is very common in anxious people.

Just by learning to breathe correctly, using my lungs full capacity to breathe more deeply, has changed my life.

It has made a difference in the way I feel, the tightness in my shoulders, even in how long it takes me to fall asleep at night. It settles my mind, body and emotions.

You may think I’m joking but it is time to take your breathing seriously. Shallow breaths are no good. Deep breathing is the way to go.

Some simple breathwork could change your life too. Try these six simple breathing strategies so that so each breath you take counts.

For each, ensure you are sitting straight and tall and in a comfortable position.

Alternate Nostril Breathing

  • With your right hand, bring your pointer finger and middle finger to rest between your eyebrows

  • Take a deep breath in and out through your nose

  • Close your right nostril with your right thumb. Inhale through the left nostril slowly

  • Close the left nostril with your ring finger so both nostrils are held closed; hold your breath for a second

  • Open your right nostril and release the breath slowly through the right side

  • Inhale through the right side slowly

  • Hold both nostrils closed (with ring finger and thumb)

  • Open your left nostril and release the breath slowly through the left side. Pause

  • Repeat for three minutes

Breaths of Fire

  • Breathe rapidly, rhythmic and continuously through the nostrils with your mouth closed

  • Equal inhale and exhale the breath through the nose, with no pause between them

  • To exhale, the air is expelled through the nose by pressing the navel point and solar plexus back and up toward the spine. The upper abdominal muscles also pull in and up.

  • Repeat for three minutes

Shitali Breath

  • Extend your tongue outside your mouth as far as possible

  • Roll the sides of your tongue up into a tube

  • Inhale slowly and deeply across the curled tongue

  • At the end of your inhale, draw your tongue in, close your mouth

  • Exhale through the nose

  • Moisten tongue and repeat for three minutes

Lion Breath

  • Breathe in deeply through the nose

  • Breathe out forcefully with the mouth open wide, sticking the tongue out

  • Roll the eyes upward while breathing out to stretch the face

  • Repeat three times

Box Breath

  • Breathe in through your nose for a count of four

  • Hold your breath for a count of four

  • Breathe out slowly through your mouth for a count of four

  • Wait for a count of four before breathing in again

4, 7, 8 Breathing

  • Breathe in through your nose for a count of four

  • Hold your breath for a count of seven

  • Part your lips and exhale loudly for a count of eight

If you struggle to make time for some deep breaths each day on your own accord, set an alarm and use the Wim Hof Method Mobile App. It is fantastic. You can log your results and feel a great sense of achievement, alongside feeling pretty awesome from the effects of slowing your breathing down and taking deep belly breaths.

Do you breathe correctly? What is your favourite breathing practice? Have you tried any of the above techniques? We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.