How To Develop Your Intuition

Listening to my intuition is something I discovered many years ago. I remember thinking it was magic. I remember thinking was I crazy? Then I remember thinking about how much money I had spent on psychologist appointments when I could have just asked and had faith in the responses I got from my own inner voice.

Since awakening to my inner voice, I have never felt so calm in my life. It is like having an inner secret knowing about yourself, about others, about life.

Intuition plays a critical role in how we make decisions, but many people do not know how to tap into it.

Are you interested in the truth? Are you interested in how to connect to your inner knowing? Keep reading below.

How you can develop your intuition;

  • sit, breathe, ask, listen and receive

  • ask often

  • ask daily for signs (e.g. number, word, animal) and remember to look out for them. Trust it will come. Just wait and see.

  • journal daily - ask questions and wait for the reply

  • keep your energy in a state of high vibration to really come into your power

  • trust yourself

  • work on your self-love, self-worth, self-trust

  • activate your solar plexus above your belly button

  • write down ten things that feel good and what feels bad each day for two weeks and you will get a better sense of what feels right

  • engage with your inner voice, not your ego to develop deep inner wisdom

  • get in a mediate state

  • don’t fear asking because of an answer you think you will get. Take on what you hear, see, feel or read

  • write down what feels good and what feels bad when you are asking. Get used to the feeling it brings up in your body and where you feel it


Inner voice questions to try;

  • What do I need to know right now?

  • Who am I? What am I good at? What am I supposed to be doing?  

  • What is the best thing to do right now? What do I want to contribute? What would I like to improve? Where does my heart belong? What is the most important message you want to share with me?

  • Why am I angry right now? What am I numbing from? What shadow aspect of myself am I choosing to ignore? What do you want me to use my power to create? What am I letting go of? What should I make space for in my life?

  • What is holding me back right now? What do I need to know today? How do I feel right now? What can I look at in my relationship to be more connected? Is there anything I need to do right now? How am I limiting myself? How can I open my heart to receive? Is there anything I can do to reclaim my power? What do I need to do to heal my friendships?

  • What am I not looking at in my life? Who can support me on my journey? How can I support myself in my journey? How am I blocking myself to receive the abundance that I deserve? Why is this situation happening? What is it here to teach me? What beautiful parts of myself am I forgetting?

  • What do I need to do to be okay? How can I accept this scenario if this will happen for the rest of my life? What is the next best step? If you don’t get the response you want, how will you accept it?

  • What is next for me? What’s aligning for me right now? Why am I rushing? What do I want? What will change?

  • Where should I put my focus? What should I put my energy into? How am I not living big? What can I dream bigger about? What is possible for this week? Next six months?

  • What makes me come alive? What gives me the chills?

  • What is on my mind right now? What am I working through?

Other great resources;

  • Jess Lively has been the one I have learnt the most from. She has an amazing podcast called ‘The Lively Show’. Tune in around #305 and she will teach you her ways of listening to the inner voice. She also has a team that offers free Inner Voice Sessions.

  • Movies that mention Inner Voice movies - Toy Story 4 and Inside Out.

  • Youtube – lookup Olya Kosogova - shifts towards your true intuitive self

Do you feel connected to your intuition? Do you ask for guidance or support from your intuition? We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.