Instead Of Doing What Brings You Joy; Do What You Fear

If you have heard it once, I am sure you have heard it a hundred times, that is; people telling you that if you do what brings you joy, you will be happy.

I do agree but I also think if we follow up on things that scare us, we will be just as happy.

Often when we stop stewing on things, we will find we are actually happier when we just get the hard jobs done. Put simply; it is often easier to do the hard things rather than put them off any longer.

Gretchin Rubin has a saying ‘stewing is worst than the doing’. Thinking about it and dreading it can take more energy than just simply getting it done. It is a lesson we keep learning each day.

Stop putting it off. Stop wasting your time by re-writing it on your to-do list. Make it a priority and give your head a rest from the panic and fear by just facing the hard jobs and getting them down.

Each day consider what is something difficult that you could smash out first thing. What needs to be made a priority to free up your mental space? Then just get it done.

You may like to share it with someone. Your accountability buddy. A work colleague. That way your mental load is shared, you have a sounding board and possibly someone to help you get the job done.

What have you been putting off? Is it writing an email, returning something to the store, updating your will, consolidating super, starting a side hustle…

It’s time to take the first step, do the first little thing, and then the rest will flow and fall into place. Once you get on your roll, the end will be a little closer. Just focus on the feeling of happiness you will feel once you have done it! Once it is done. Once that job is over!


Our fears can be paralyzing, which can stunt our happiness. I challenge you to confront your fears or things you have been putting off and just get the jobs done.

What is something you have been putting off? We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.