June 2022 In Hindsight

The cold snap came in June, including the frosty mornings and chilly winds. Yet over the last week, we have been fortunate to have had sunny days, we even managed to get out on my boyfriends’ motorbike and go for a ride. We have had our fire most nights to warm the kitchen and dining area and we even spent a few nights watching the open fire in the front lounge room, there is nothing like it!

I had fun helping out at both the K-2 Athletics Carnival and the 3-6 Athletics Carnival. Both long days, exhausting but lots of fun. My days as Stage 1 RFF teacher are over and now back to day-to-day casual. I have had a Year Three class for the last week which actually has been really nice, different to rushing around from class to class on RFF.

My soul spirit has been abit unsettled this month, just restless, busy, and bored and feels like I’m in a bit of a rut. So looking forward to the holidays and resting my mind and recharging. I was planning to go away but now they tell me there is rain forecast for the next eight days which is a bit of a downer.


Listened to - 

* Chilled Afternoon Playlist on Spotify

* The School of Greatness with Lewis Howes

* The Lively Show Podcast

* Simple Families The Podcast

* The Ten Minute Teacher Podcast with Vicki Davis

* The Terri Cole Show

* Happier with Gretchin Rubin Podcast

* The Marie Forleo Podcast

 Read - 

* Sister by Rosamund Lupton

* The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma

* Daughters Of Shame by Jasvinder Sanghera


Splurged on - 

* dog probiotics powder for Reggie

Watching - 

* Have You Been Paying Attention?

* The Waitress movie

* The Jane Austin Bookclub movie

* Three Bird Renovation Videos

* Stand Tall Sydney 2022

* The Anywhere School 2022 - Google

* State Of Origin Game 2

Went to - 

* nieces 2nd birthday party at my brothers’ place

* see Elvis movie using our Discover Voucher

* cafe at Cherrybrook for lunch

Booked - 

* in my car to be service

* in to get my hair cut in the holidays

* tickets to Mayfield Garden

* night in Orange


Cooked - 

* Brownies

* Wontons, Fried Rice, Enchiladas, Quesadillas, Chinese Combination Long and Short Soup - not so much on my list as my boyfriend has been doing most of the cooking this month


What's new - 

* Home improvements - my boyfriend installed the four windows to replace the old wooden ones. Had a massive cleanout and booked in a Council Clean Up for July for it all to go out. My boyfriend took a lot to Scrap Metal also and got $$. I bought a large mirror for the ensuite, yet to be hung. Trimmed the front trees and weeded the garden. Have only mowed once since grass growth has slowed down now. Been having a shower in the newly tiled ensuite upstairs and it is my favourite part of the day, now just to finish decking it out

* Signed up for a tonne of courses this month; usually I sign up but when it comes around to doing it, I have no time but determined to change this, I did follow through and completed InMotion; a pilates class, The Punchy Author Masterclass, Trauma course and started a Classroom Management Course, Supporting Diversity in Classrooms, watching Stand Tall, and Integrating Technology into Preschools

* Been applying for jobs within the Department. Feeling really restless and waiting to escape. Haven’t been successful yet

Looking for - 

* black tapware for ensuite

Sold -

* kids ski pantsuit, penny tiles, gravity boots

Started - 

* getting up at 6am or earlier each morning. Actually feels good to be up and to get a few things done before leaving for work at 7:40am

Attempting to -

* use social media on my phone for less than one hour a day

Did you experience the half year blues this month like me? We would love to hear your thoughts. Please feel welcome to join the conversation and leave a comment below.

For other months in hindsight click here