September 2020 In Hindsight

September slipped by slowly and smoothly. I was busy as usual working, doing home improvements and getting out and about. We are now on school holidays which is so nice to just have white space and time to do what I want rather than what I need.

The past two weeks I have been on a Year 5 class. At the school I work there are three classes sharing the same room space, which they call a ‘hub’. During this time I was so fortunate to work with two incredible teachers. It was rewarding. It was fun. But not so fun that I am ready to return to the classroom fulltime anytime soon.

On the home front the garden is in full bloom now that it is Spring. Little home improvements are still happening. We had a scare last week when one of my boyfriends dogs escaped the yard during a wild wind storm. She is so afraid of storms and I couldn’t help but think the worst but we were so thankful that some lovely person found her and she was taken to the Blacktown Animal Shelter for the night. $85 later and she was back home again which was a huge relief.

I have continued with my new years resolution to become a better communicator rather than stay passive aggressive. It is working and I have had many more in-depth conversations with my boyfriend this month which leaves me mentally exhausted. Many nights this month I have been in bed by 8:30pm.


My month of September went something like this…

Listened to - 

* created September Living Playlist on Spotify

* The Awake With Jake Show Podcast

* The Minimalists Podcast

* Truth For Teacher’s Podcast


 Read - 

* The Power of Intention by Dr. Wayne Dwyer

* Moonlight Plains by Barbara Hannay


Splurged on - 

* Methven Gaston Kitchen Mixer Tap

Watching - 

* Wheeler Dealers

* Diesel Brothers

* Jumanji 2019 movie


Went to - 

* Afternoon tea catch up with a friend

* Banjo Patterson Restaurant for my best friends birthday

* Hung out with my dad and family for Fathers Day

* Visit my Aunty and Uncle with my sister and her kids

* Sisters only weekend and stayed at our younger sisters place in Wollongong

* Visit my boyfriend’s sister at her place in Manly


Booked - 

* nothing :(


Cooked - 

* Cheesecake, Rocky Road, GF Mudcake, GF Choc Chip Cookies


What's new - 

* Started soaking things. I have never done this in my life. I am always one to chuck things in the washer and hope for the best. But it does work. I slow down, take time to soak and the stains are gone. Magic.

* My boyfriends mum bought me an Azalea called ‘Laura Joy’. I planted it and it is still alive.


Looking for - 

* Tracksuit pants - you know those ones like we wore at high school.


Sold -

* Triple J stickers, & Decor Sign, Rustic Key Hanger, Wedgewood Vase, Home Styling Books, Sue Radd’s cookbook, 3 pallets of tiles, Portable Air Conditioner


Started - 

* going to bed earlier as I have been waking each morning at 5 am with the sun

Attempting to -

* Accepted the challenge to write a blog post each day for the month of October. Its called Blogtober.

What was September like for you? Full of action and progress or much of the muchness? We would love for you to join the conversation by leaving a comment below.

For other months in hindsight click here