True Self Profile - Kelsea

This month, we interviewed Kelsea from the United States of America for our ‘true self’ series.

Hi, I’m Kelsea! I am 26, I live in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and I have two kittens. I am an author and blogger who is passionate about mental health and holistic wellness. I am currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in psychology and want to become a trauma-informed therapist and yoga instructor. I have published one book so far (Writings Of A Wild Woman) and blog at All my social media profiles online are either Plantcenteredhealing or Kelseawrites (Twitter and Medium). I am going to be an extremely well-known author and trauma educator in this lifetime.


1.      What inspires you in your everyday life?

I’m inspired to become successful with my writing career in order to show others that anything they dream can become a reality, and that no rock bottom is too deep or dark to resurface from. Another thing that really inspires me is never having to return to a traditional 9-5 job and the service industry. I love the idea of being my own boss, traveling as much as I want, and having a fully sustainable homestead. Staying focused on these visions is what constantly propels me forward into the unknown. Lastly, I always say that I am working towards financial freedom so that I can buy my cats expensive toys and food! 

2.      Tell us your favourite; stress release practice, the thing you are most grateful for, book

Meditation is my number one stress-release practice. I try to do it in the mornings when I wake up and before bed. Doing this has greatly decreased my stress and anxiety on a daily basis.
I am most grateful to be living in a beautiful apartment in Grand Rapids with my partner and our two cats, knowing we are always safe and supported by the universe.
My favorite book? This is such a hard question. I would probably say “The Body Keeps The Score,” because it taught me so much about how the body stores trauma and ways to work on releasing those pockets of stored energy.

3.      What has been a life-defining moment for you?

After a series of unfortunate events, I hit complete rock bottom in March of 2018. I was ready to end my life. I felt like I had no purpose and no reason to continue living. A friend of mine told all my family and close friends that I was suicidal and by doing this, she stopped me from ending my life. I ended up asking God/The Universe for a sign (a white owl) that there was a Divine force/universal intelligence/whatever, and didn’t tell anyone about it. After that, the same friend sent me a picture of a white owl and said “Spirit says this is for you.” and I was absolutely freaked out, but now I knew I wasn’t alone. It was a slow process to turn my mental health around after that, but I did it. I started taking natural supplements, using herbs and oils, meditation, affirmations, and other forms of holistic healing to change my brain. I completely changed my life and was able to do so many things I never imagined possible. That version of me from 2018 would cry tears of joy to see the 2021 version of me. 

4.      What is the most important thing you have learnt about yourself in your life’s journey?

That I am worthy of a life full of happiness and abundance, and I am strong enough to keep chasing after my dreams, no matter how many times I get knocked down. I am resilient enough to get where I want to be. 

5.      Who are you currently learning the most from?

I’ve been really invested in books written by Dr. Daniel Amen (a neuroscientist) and Gabrielle Bernstein (a spiritual teacher) lately, so I would say those two authors are who I’m learning the most from. I am constantly looking for new sources to learn from and am always open to new perspectives, but these are the two I’ve been listening to most recently. 

6.      What is your best life tip for others?

Figure out what lights you on fire and then fearlessly pursue that. It doesn’t even just have to be one thing or fit in a “niche.” It can be a multitude of things that you find passion in. You will never be bored and you will always feel fulfilled if you chase after your passions, because that is where your purpose lies.

7.      How do you deal with negative energy?

Within myself, I allow myself to feel what I’m feeling until the emotion passes. I might take a nap or a shower, anything to refresh myself and my mind. Then I move on from it, knowing it was only temporary and cannot control me or my life.
In others, I take a step back. I try to respond with love or not at all. If I am feeling triggered, I ask myself why and what this situation or person is reflecting back to me about myself. I haven’t always been the best about responding this way, but it’s a habit that I’ve been building upon over the last few years that has been extremely helpful at retaining my inner peace. 

8.      What is one thing you like to do every day that cultivates peace and happiness?

Before the COVID lock downs began in 2020, I started a daily yoga practice. This mindful movement practice has brought me so much peace and happiness. 

9.      How can we make a difference in the world?

You can make a difference in so many ways! Even the smallest actions (picking up trash, smiling at someone or complimenting them, donating change to charity) have a butterfly effect. My advice is to start small and build to bigger actions. 

10.  Outline a perfect morning routine for us

 My perfect morning routine would be waking up, doing a meditation, then drinking some Kangen water. Then I would say affirmations in the mirror and get some movement in. I would also do some reading and journaling before going about my day if I had the time. Simple, but effective actions!


Thank you Kelsea for your time to share with us.

To view past true self profiles click here.

Each month an inspiring human being will share with us their personal story and tips on how to live your best life. If you would like to be featured in the upcoming months then please drop us a note below…