True Self Profile - Rachel

This month we are featuring the beautiful and true self embodied Rachel. I reached out to Rachel after always being captivated by her Instagram posts. Introducing Rachel…

Hi! Thanks for having me. I’m Rachel Crethar and I’m an Intuitive Hypnotherapist based in Sydney’s Inner West. I have a passion for the mind, transformation, creativity, and people. I’m a mum of two and currently find myself navigating coming out of the last big lock down for myself, my family and my clients. I’m currently creating a magical Future Self event for mid-December for my community so they can vision for themselves what life looks like in 2022 and beyond and start to embody that vision.

You can find me at or at Instagram on @rachelcrethar and Facebook at @rachelcretharhynotherapy

What inspires you in your everyday life?

My kids, and friends and clients never cease to amaze me with their resilience and capacity for change and growth. 

Musicians with lyrics that are a beautiful mix of insight and vulnerability have always inspired me.  

And the older I get the more I get blown away by nature. It’s an incredible mirror for us constantly giving us wisdom and reminders around being in tune with our own seasons of rest and action. I find even just standing at the ocean and watching the waves coming in and out can help me regulate my nervous system and remind me to come back to my own natural rhythm. 

Tell us your favourite- stress release practice, what are you most grateful for, and favourite book

Meditation is my favourite stress release practice and has been in my life daily since 2016. I also find just finding a patch of grass and laying down for five mins can work wonders! 

Oh god, I’m not sure I can just choose one book but I can tell you the books that have changed me over the decades. In my 20’s someone handed me Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway by Susan Jeffers and it blew my mind. In my 30’s I read The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks and now in my 40;s, I’d say that anything by Dr Joe Dispenza is really shaping me and my work right now.

I’m most grateful for my relationships. My husband, my kids, my friends, my extended family. I could cry sometimes at how lucky I am to be surrounded by open-minded people that continue to love me regardless of how much I grow and change.

What has been a life-defining moment for you?

There have been a few, but the most life-defining moment would have to be after the birth of my 2nd child when I experienced PND, as it sent me onto a path of healing and self-discovery that changed my career and the course of my life. As hard as it was at the time, I am forever grateful because I wouldn’t be where I am today without it.

What is your best life tip for others?

Understand yourself, really understand yourself. Shed the stories, conditioning and beliefs that aren’t yours. You are with yourself to the very end and it’s the most important relationship in the world. 

How do you deal with negative energy?

From other people these days I tend to let it roll off me more than I used to, I understand now it’s more about them than it is about me.

For my own negative / or low vibe moods I lean into it. Try to listen to what it’s trying to say to me. Is there something I need to express that I’m keeping in? Do I need to stop and rest? Am I getting enough protein? Is there something I need to understand more about myself? 

How can we make a difference in the world?

Kindness and compassion. It sounds cheesy but it is true. You never know how much a small interaction with someone in a coffee shop or at the supermarket can bring someone hope or light. We never truly know what other people are going through behind closed doors. A little kindness and looking people in the eye can make a bigger difference than we think.

Outline a perfect morning routine for us

I feel like morning routines are so individual and should flow between seasons and stages however the morning routine that feels best for me right now is; listening to a hypnosis straight away before I even sit up while I’m still in that sleepy zone. After that, I sit up and meditate before I get up and help the kids get out the door for school. Scent and music really help me set the tone for the day and I love some incense or essential oils and music along with my cup of tea. Once the kids have left I tend to have a nice big breakfast before starting work.

Thank you Rachel for your time to share with us and your awesome insights into life. Rachel has recently been featured on the Creative Zone Podcast discussing limiting beliefs and blocks around creative self-expression, fertility, business, babies and more. You can listen to the episode on Spotify here.

To view past true self profiles click here.

Each month an inspiring human being will share with us their personal story and tips on how to live your best life. If you would like to be featured in the upcoming months then please drop us a note below…