Top Tips For Working From Home

We are living in the days of forced lockdowns where only essential workers can leave the house to attend their job. That means for the majority, working conditions have changed and many are now working from home.

Which requires discipline. Alot of it. Either being on task and focused or the opposite of having discipline not to work beyond your hours.

There is much that needs to considered when working from home.


Try to;

  • Set yourself work hours and be strict about it

  • Make comfort a priority – consider your computer level, wrist pain, neck pain. Invest in a good quality office chair to sit in, preferably an ergonomic one. Ensure your room is a comfortable temperature

  • Charge all devices at night so you are prepared for the next day

  • Remove distractions – if outside traffic is too loud, play some music over the top. Can you work at the library or another location during peak hours? Remove the washing that needs folding from your sight. It can be done after your work hours so stop stressing

  • Take food breaks – make sure to have morning tea, lunch, and afternoon tea breaks.

  • Move - Take a walk during your lunchtime, do some stretches often at the computer

  • Set a schedule and write it down

  • Set intentions the night before and list your three priorities

  • Manage your time wisely – alarms such as Pomodoro technique could work

  • Don’t make excuses - dishwashing is not a priority during work hours or the flip side of that; you don’t have to answer work calls during dinner

  • Use a playlist such as Focus Music to tune into full concentration

  • Update your desktop background on your device. It then triggers you to clear your desktop. Find cue ones offered by the everygirl each month

  • Record your wins as you go - keep a list of the success you have each day

Do you work from home? What helps to keep you motivated, on task and working to your potential? We would love if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.