Celebrating Special Events In Lockdown

Special events like birthdays, promotions, engagements and receiving good grades should be celebrated. Whether that is a special dinner, going away somewhere or celebrating with your friends.

It doesn’t matter your age, whether young or old; these moments should be special for everyone.

Lockdown has robbed us of this opportunity. If you are unfortunately someone who has had a special event during this time, I hope it has not been a letdown. I have friends who have had to reschedule their weddings for the third time. It has been met with a lot of frustration yet now with modern technology there are ways that we can still celebrate even if our friends and family can not be in the same room at the same time.

You, yourself can make your own day special such as taking the day off work and doing things that you love like taking a walk, a bike ride, cooking your favourite meal or order it in, and watching your favourite show. Though you may not be able to go out out, it can still be special and memorable.

If you are fortunate to have a thoughtful partner, family or friends, then they may be able to help make the most of the situation in lockdown and still make it a special occasion with meaning. Things to consider include;

  • Decorating the house is a must - think balloons, streamers, happy birthday/congratulations poster, banner

  • Special dinner - cook their favourite food, organised a three-course meal or just keep it simple

  • You need a cake - home-cooked or spend a fortune and have their favourite one delivered

  • Music - set up a playlist and have it playing on the Bluetooth speaker

  • You must have surprises - love notes on post it’s around the house, a scavenger hunt to find their gifts, have a room full of balloons, or write messages on the toilet paper roll, flowers delivered or cut from the garden

  • Give presents and write a lovely note

  • Set up the laptop and host a Zoom party inviting family and friends to attend

  • Or organise FaceTime calls throughout the day with special people

  • Do fun things together - play poker, twister, watch a movie, have a jam session, dance party

My 40th birthday is in November. I am not really a party person, instead, I love to get away; so for my birthday, we are planning a weeks holiday in Western Australia. At this stage; with the way the virus is spreading throughout NSW, it is unsure whether we will be able to. However, I am keeping positive and no even if I can’t go away in November, my birthday can still be a special celebration at home. It doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom.

Have you or a loved one had to celebrate your birthday or another special event in lockdown? It is difficult especially when you can’t celebrate how you would normally. What did you do to make it special? We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.