Top Tips For Fitting In After A Move

Making friends is not easy at the best of times as an adult.

But when you move homes; it could be just towns, interstate or even overseas, feeling connected and part of the community is important. It should be a priority for the sake of your well-being.

It can be difficult to start all over again or you could be shy or fear rejection but by taking small steps, nothing drastic, you will find your place in your new part of town.

making friends


  • Knocking on your neighbours' door and introducing yourself. Check in again with your neighbours in a couple of months; particularly if they are elderly. They are always up for a chat and could have some great suggestions of people to meet or places to see in the area

  • Look up events at the local park, community hall or library and if you are interested, attend

  • Join a local workout or gym group and find a connection through a similar interest

  • Join up to the local suburb Facebook page and look out for upcoming events that have been organised

  • If it is a different country you have moved to, try attending language classes to find people in a similar situation to yours

  • Use your children - If you have children, set up a playdate with friends they make at school and become friendly with their families

  • Contact and connect with friends of friends in the area

  • Is there anyone you particularly bond with at your new job? Can you join them for Friday afternoon drinks?

  • Chat to people in the line at the local cafe, without being creepy. Just a nice social ‘hello, great weather today…’ You may find you both go there at the same time each week, why not share a table?

  • Find a group that are seeking volunteers. This one is multi-purposeful; you are giving back as well as hanging out with others

  • Take your dog to the dog park and see who comes up to you for a chat

Everyone needs a friend. Do not be afraid to make the first move, just remember to smile and stay positive.

What do you find is the best way to make connections in a new place? We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.