Packing Light For Travel

The first time I had to pack my bag was as a seven-year-old going away on a Brownie camp for the weekend. We were given a kit list, and it was one of my great joys to tick everything off as I gathered it and packed it into my bag.

Then came school camps and I loved to be packed and organised at least two weeks before I the trip. It is still the case today.

I leave essentials permanently packed in my suitcase for my next trip and start gathering my belongings at least a month before I go away giving me enough time to pack and repack at least three times. I love to be prepared and leaving things to the last minute brings on overwhelm and anxiety.

While working full time, I would be on an aeroplane as soon as the school bell rang and would touch down the day before school went back, making the most of every day I had off. It was hectic. So I had no choice but to be organised.

Each time I travel what I take slightly differs; however, the bulk of it is the same. You can find my ‘kit list’ below.


  • Waterproof jacket, windproof jacket (depends on weather)

  • Four shirts

  • One long sleeve top

  • One going out top

  • Two pairs of shorts

  • One pair of jeans

  • One long skirt

  • One pair of gym tights

  • Two pairs of long cotton pants

  • One jumper

  • Underwear

  • Sleepwear

  • Two pairs of socks

  • Hat  

  • One swimming costume (if access to the pool/beach)

  • One scarf



  • Running shoes

  • Good going out shoes

  • Comfortable daily walking shoes



  • Toothpaste

  • Toothbrush

  • Floss & tongue scraper

  • Soap/Body wash

  • Deodorant

  • Razor, tweezers, nail scissors

  • Few pairs of earrings (if you wear them)

  • Comb or brush. Hair ties.

  • Moisturiser


First Aid Kit

  • Diarrhea stop – charcoal tablets, electrolytes

  • Panadol

  • Mosquito/insect repellent

  • Band-Aids – waterproof and charcoal

  • Motion sickness tablets (for those who experience travel sickness)

  • Sunscreen/after sun gel

  • First Aid Cream

  • Cough lollies

  • Probiotic, multivitamin, Vitamin C



  • Electrical adapter

  • Phone and phone charger

  • Camera, charger, memory card (bonus points if you don’t take a camera and use your phone instead)

  • Plastic bag for wet or dirty clothes

  • Sunglasses

  • Toilet paper

  • Padlock for suitcase



  • Alarm clock

  • Laundry liquid for washing clothes

  • Pads/tampons  – can usually buy there

  • Clothesline or clothes hanger

  • Sleep sheet if staying on an overnight train

  • Snacks – if you have room and a need

  • Headlamp if camping

  • Belt – adds weight and time if wearing it while going through security at the airport

  • Umbrella – for rain and sun

  • Plastic fork, knife, spoon


Is there anything that you would pack in addition to my kit list? Or maybe disregard? You are welcome to join the conversation and leave a comment below.