September 2021 In Hindsight

September was a rough month for me personally.

School was tough as remote learning continued to challenge my teaching philosophy, adding to that being swapped classes in the last week which just played more on my mind. A number of family and friends had surgeries this month which was unnerving and was a big month of praying for others. My boyfriends’ dog, Dusty was diagnosed with cancer in the lungs and within a month; had passed. It was terribly sad watching her demise as she couldn’t manage to eat and was struggled to breathe yet she was so determined to keep on living. We did lots of ‘lasts’ with her which was very special. The day we put her down was a really hard day for all of us. She is buried in a beautiful spot by the creek which we visit. My boyfriend started to take our other dog to work with him as he frets when he is alone. It was a big transition for him too. So now I have no one to feed in the morning, no one jumping up at the door when I got home and no one to keep me company when my boyfriend works overnight, guess I am still adjusting to it all. Getting another dog is an option but not something I am ready to commit to just yet.


Listened to - 

* my September 2021 Playlist on Spotify

* Classical Music While Reading Playlist on Spotify

* Cozy Girl Autumn Playlist on Spotify

* Daniel Nunnelee on Spotify

* The Lively Show Podcast

* Happier with Gretchin Rubin Podcast

* The Marie Forleo Podcast

 Read - 

* Exhausted To Energised by Dr Libby Weaver

* Every Breath by Nicholas Sparks

* Conversations with God; Book One by Neale Donald Walsch

* Hold Tight by Harlen Coben


Splurged on - 

* bought the Curate book by Lynda Gardener and Ali Heath

Watching - 

* Have You Been Paying Attention?

* Long Story Short movie

* NRL Finals

* How To Avoid Budget Blowouts Tutorial with Three Birds

* The CEO Teacher Tutorials

* Ubersuggest Onboarding Session

Went to - 

* school, grocery shops and home again

Booked - 

* have kept my booking for Kangaroo Valley for late October. Hoping we can still go.

* looking for a beautiful spot for my birthday weekend


Cooked - 

* Orange and Poppy Seed Cake, Vanilla Cupcakes, Chocolate Brownies, Chocolate cake

* Cauliflower and Bacon Carbonara, Chilli Beef Stirfry, Butter Chicken, Sweet and Sour Pork Rissoles, Pesto Risotto, Eggplant Parmigiana, Quiche, Stuffed Mushrooms


What's new - 

* Home improvements - my boyfriend fixed the chiminea so we have had a few outdoor fires. We bought a used carport, had to take it down and bring it home, pressure washed the roof to clean it up, powder coated the poles white. Has been a big process but worth the money we saved. Not yet installed, waiting for the exterior of the house to be painted first. The guy came to quote us for painting and we are booked in for the next couple of months. Scored more wood for winter, cut and tidied up, succulents growing strong. Picked up a free single bed frame off Marketplace for one of the boys rooms. Looks so much better. Bought a single mattress protector and a queen mattress protector off Marketplace for the boys’ beds, really cheap. Birds nested in the gutters again so my bf had to take the roof sheets off and clear it out again. The laundry window and two windows in the shed were broken so we got the glass replaced. Looks so much better

* We sadly had to make the decision to put down my boyfriends’ dog, Dusty. We are all feeling her loss. I didn’t realise what a big part she played in our lives. We loved on her lots and she had a great life. She is no longer suffering so we take peace from that

* Survived a full term of learning online. Online learning continues next term for the first couple of weeks

* Committing to Blogtober - writing every day in October. I did it for the first time last year so going to give it another go this year

* Been eating lots of strawberries and oranges. My passionfruit vine has its first flowers which is so exciting for a non-gardener

* Completed The Classroom to Cha-ching Challenge with Kayse Morris

* Two of my best friends turned 40 during the month. It sounds so old. My turn in November!

* I bought an orchid stem last year and was hopeful it would grow. This month it has just sprouted two bulbs. Can not believe I have kept it alive and I may even see flowers

Looking for - 

* a Karcher window cleaner


Sold -

* nothing this month

Started - 

* Having a smoothie each day

* Using the Pomodoro timer on my computer while working

Attempting to -

* keep my thoughts positive

Hoping your September was not such a struggle. What was your favourite thing about the past month? We would love to hear your thoughts. Please feel welcome to join the conversation and leave a comment below.

For other months in hindsight click here