What Is Your Sleeping Style?

Are you someone who loves to be touched or intertwined with your partner at night or definitely need your own space in bed or even your own room?

Are you a snuggler, or a spooner? Are you a single bed preference or a king-size only?

I love to be close whilst sleeping. It’s always been my thing.

Thankfully my boyfriend feels the same.

If it’s not our feet, our bums touching or his arm under my pillow, then it’s a very unusual night for us. For the first two years of our relationship, we slept in a single bed together. I loved the cocoon feeling, being close.

Maybe not the dead arms on the odd occasion but the rest yes. Now we are in the queen bed and we still sleep close.

It is soothing for me. It makes me feel safe and the physical touch makes me sleep better.


But maybe you are the opposite, my boyfriend, fortunately, doesn’t snore or wear one of those sleep apnea machines which is a different story for some. It might mean the only way you can get quality sleep is to be in separate rooms.

Or maybe your partner is a shift worker or prefers to stay up later?

Then there are some who just prefer their own space and indulge in a king-sized bed. Maybe it’s because their partner is too hot or cold, body temperature-wise, or they just don’t want to be touched.

Or maybe you are at the co-sleeping stage with newborns or have a pet that prefers your bed over there’s?

There are many reasons for our different sleeping preferences. What’s yours? How do you get your best nights sleep? Close or with some distance? Do you sleep best with one pillow, two pillows or a body pillow person? What is comfortable for you?

Are you someone who likes to stay close, to touch, or be touched whilst you are sleeping? We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.